Affiliate Marketing Funnel – Your Ticket To Lifestyle Freedom

What if an affiliate marketing funnel was the one simple roadmap to online business that could give you the money you need to break away from the rat race?

What if you had all the information necessary to execute on this plan – and the only limitation was the amount of work you would put in?

You wouldn’t have to drive that long commute to the office anymore…

You wouldn’t have to put up with incompetent bosses and lazy coworkers…

And you could finally do those travel plans you’ve been thinking about for years!
Well, there IS such a roadmap available. It’s called the Minimum Viable Affiliate Marketing Funnel, and it’s your ticket to financial freedom.Image result for Affiliate Marketing Funnel - Your Ticket To Lifestyle Freedom

Why affiliate marketing? Well, although affiliate marketing sometimes gets a bad rap, in reality there are plenty of legitimate, high quality affiliate products you can promote online.
And the truth is – an affiliate marketing funnel is one of the easiest ways to get started making money online.

You don’t have to develop a product. You don’t have to develop a sales letter or sales copy. You don’t have to do customer support!

All you have to do is direct traffic to your funnel.
You’ll have enough on your hands just executing here, so the brutal simplicity of this plan really works in your favor.

The Minimum Viable Affiliate Marketing Funnel

There are three components to the MVF (Minimum Viable Funnel) for affiliate marketing, each with their own purpose.

The opt-in page is where you collect email addresses and build your email list so that you have a long term asset you can leverage to build a business.
The thank you page is where you start to build a relationship with that email list, which is a huge component of successfully marketing to them later.
And finally, the affiliate offer is where you make cold, hard, cash.

While this setup has all the components you need to make money, the real wealth creation comes in later when you directly sell to your email list.

This post on has a FREE, super in-depth, specific instructions as to how you can setup your own affiliate marketing funnel through using Aweber and Clickfunnels.

You’ll get walked through the entire process from A-Z, and there are even some resources at the end you can use to learn how to drive traffic to your funnel, both in the forms of organic traffic and paid traffic.

What’s The Catch?

You don’t need to pay anything for this info. You don’t need to give Miles your email address. You don’t need to sell your soul!
However, there is ONE big catch – this information will do NOTHING for you unless you execute on it.
One of the points that Miles goes into is that execution is everything, and ideas aren’t worth much.

So there is a very real sacrifice involved.

You might have to give up:

  • Happy hours with the friends (you can drink to celebrate when you’re a business owner)
  • Going on tons of dates every week (better choose wisely…)
  • Watching TV (you don’t have time for this!)
  • Eating 3 long meals a day (eat 2 quick meals and make one a meal to savor)
  • Heavy drinking (hard to do work when you’re hungover!)

But in the long run – these small sacrifices will be worth it.
Because you’ll be able to quit that job and feel like a champion the minute you walk out that office door for the last time.


This post was contributed by Miles Beckler who is a full time internet entrepreneur and digital nomad with his wife, Melanie.  Miles has created multiple six figure per year businesses through internet marketing and the power of leveraging marketing funnels and targeted traffic.  Now Miles teaches internet marketing to aspiring internet marketers through his blog and his How To Make Money Online YouTube Channel.

By Lorraine Kinnard
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