Linda Davis

122 Posts
Stock Split: An Introduction

Stock Split: An Introduction

A stock split is the division of existing shares into multiple shares, and is done generally by the company to boost the liquidity of the shares and you need to know a bit bout the forex exchange to deal with this. Even if you are not aware of the different trading platforms, then also you may face some problem. Even if the total number of shares outstanding increases by a specific multiple, the total value in dollars of the shares is still the same. Let’s break this concept down even further. Stock Split Ratios As mentioned, the total dollar value…
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 What is Email Marketing? Email marketing can be defined as the use of emails for promoting any such product or service to the customer. It can be said that promotions through emails are done to establish relationship between the clients and marketers. This is just an electronically used tactic that utilizes internet for the proceedings such as blogging, websites, social media etc. Many marketing trends have come and gone but Email Marketing has always been in trend due to people’s connectivity with various social networks such as Facebook, LinkedIn etc. Email Marketing allows business to keep customers updated with their…
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Save Your Money Using Only Star Health Insurance

Save Your Money Using Only Star Health Insurance

The habit of saving itself is an education, it fosters every virtue, teaches self-denial, cultivates the sense of order, trains to forethought, and so broadens the mind. – T.T Munger The habit of saving is undoubtedly a virtue as it trains you in putting aside some of your hard-earned money for the rainy day that can befall upon you unexpectedly. Read on to learn how Star Health Insurance can help save your money. About Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd. commenced its operations in 2006 and is ranked amongst India’s top health insurers and ranks best in claim settlements…
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What’s a Margin Account?

What’s a Margin Account?

When you invest in stocks, you must open a brokerage account first. And after that, you’ll have to choose what your trading account will be. Brokerages offer a plethora of options, but we’ll tackle one kind. What’s a Margin Account? And what benefits can you get from such account? What are the risks? You can learn in details about margin accounts from HQBroker Review and Online Trading Review. In this article, let us take a look at the basics. Margin Account: the Advantages A Margin Account lets you borrow some funds from the broker to buy additional securities, but with…
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ezTalks — One of the Outstanding UCaaS Providers

ezTalks — One of the Outstanding UCaaS Providers

The RTC network has its last years in France. After the extinction of analogue television for the benefit of DTT, it is the wired telephone that will gradually leave its place. Almost 13 million lines are concerned. It is the unified communication as a service which is also known as UCaaS that will impose itself, much more adapted to the uses of today. The switched telephone network (PSTN) provides for the transit of past communications from a fixed line. Formerly managed by France Télécom, it is now owned by Orange. While the majority of French households are equipped with new…
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Impact of Online Presence on Businesses

Impact of Online Presence on Businesses

Digital marketing is a tactical term used to describe overall online marketing efforts. Large businesses leverage powerful digital channels like social media, Google search, email, and their websites to link with their prospective and current customers in Sydney. Online Presence Having online presence will present a credible image of your business among customers, clients, and prospective ones. With an attractive website that is accessible without developing technical errors, you can engage the attention of the visitors. Further, using quality content that is fresh, updated regularly, original and unique, you can make sure that customers decide to buy your product/service online. This…
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Choose The Best Trade Show Display To Stand Out From Others

Choose The Best Trade Show Display To Stand Out From Others

Cars are such a necessary commodity that it is impossible to imagine daily life without them. Wherever you go having a suitable means of transportation at your hand will make things easier. Purchasing a car is a different matter altogether. You can visit various Trade Show Displays where new and exciting cars are unveiled. In these displays various manufacturers present their automobiles to the public. There is a huge responsibility among these companies to make their product appealing. Participating in such a mega event is no easy thing. Companies will try to outdo each other to garner attention. Creating the…
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Personal Injury Lawyer Is Readily Available When You Need Help

Personal Injury Lawyer Is Readily Available When You Need Help

The services of a personal injury lawyer will be required if an individual sustains some form of injury from an accident cause by the negligent act of another person. If the accident victim wants to file a personal injury lawsuit, hiring a personal injury lawyer to represent his or her interest when filing a personal injury lawsuit against the individual is a necessity. A personal injury lawyer is a skilled legal practitioner experienced in handling personal injury cases of all kinds, regardless of complexity. These professionals know the right steps when filing a personal injury lawsuit. However, one may be…
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When is the Right Time to Hire a Divorce Lawyer

When is the Right Time to Hire a Divorce Lawyer

Divorce, annulment, separation, these are just the situations that newly married couples vow not to get into. But the thing is, the mentioned situations are not really planned most of the time. They just happened. That is right, no one in his right mind would walk the aisle with divorce in mind. However, once it strikes you that there is no other option left but to file for a divorce, it will really hit you hard. The situation might not even sink in yet but it does not mean you should not work on it. Yes, there comes really a…
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