How to Rank for a Keyword in 4 Simple Steps

Setting up a website is half the step of generating more customers for your services/products. Making it possible for potential clients to view your site is the other step you have to do for your business to be successful.

This article is going to focus on how you can attain more clients through the ranking of your keywords correctly. SEO keywords and phrases are words your potential customers type in the search engines to access your site. If you optimise your website well, the search engine will be able to connect searchers to your website.

Follow these 4 simple steps get a higher rank for your site’s keywords in search engines;

1.    Do a Keyword Research

You have to study your target market to predict the keywords they are likely to use if interested with your business. Several keyword research tools can help you through this process. The main factors you should consider in this step include:

  1. Finding a keyword with a suitable volume (not inadequate and not too much)
  2. Looking for keywords relevant to the services/products your business offers

2.    How is the competition looking?

Now that you’ve found out a set of keywords ideal for your company, it doesn’t hurt having a look at the competition. There are certain aspects you pay close attention to your competitions’ sites to know what perspective you should follow in yours. You can check out on the following areas:

  • Their domains and URLs
  • The titles tags
  • Type of content

The sole purpose of researching your competitor’s websites is to find a way of making yours unique and more appealing to the client.

3.    Be more precise

After going through the sites of your competitors, you must have come up with a few better ideas of ranking higher than them is search engines. Take this chance and make your keywords more specific and best describe the intent of your potential clients. This technique is called long-tail keywords and is usually the best to gauge the reason for your visitors to be interested in your business.

4.    The intent of your Content

What’s the intention of your content? Generally, you want to convert the visitor to your site to be one of your clients. Before that, how do you suppose want to achieve this goal? In every business, there stages for each consumer. That is:

  1. Potential customers whom you want to convert
  2. Customers whom you want to stay with
  • Long-term customers whom you want to retain their loyalty to your business

Although you have a target market, you have to make sure you create ideal content that relates to everyone as well. With your work you have to be able to answer the client’s questions and make the information easy and available to them. This is a crucial stage in ranking your keywords, so don’t hesitate to contact a seo consultant to help you in this step.


SEO optimisation revolves around the keywords you choose to rank your business. Therefore, you have to know how your clients think to configure the words they will use to search for the services/products you can provide. The above steps are just the initial phases of a successfully ranked website. For better and comprehensive results, contact Broadplace, and they will guide you setting high ranking keywords for your business.

By Linda Davis
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